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【启思顿】万圣节变装派对KKEC Halloween Costume Party
时间: 2017-11-21    点击: 1100



During Halloween, everyone dresses up and goes trick-or-treating! 

      这么好玩的万圣节启思顿国际幼儿园的宝贝们怎么能错过呢?借这个机会带孩子体验一下这个“鬼怪”的乐趣吧。 How can you miss the KKEC Halloween Party! You will have lots of fun! Please join us!


        未临其地,先闻其境,在老师们精心的布置下,幼儿园从大门到每间教室都充满了神秘的节日气氛,巨大的南瓜车,惊人的骷髅骨,生动的蜘蛛网,毛茸的大蜘蛛,漂浮的幽灵……没有看不到的,只有想不到的。We have already decorated our classrooms into a Halloween theme. You will be surprised by all the things you didnt know we have.

Trick or treat

        “不给糖就捣蛋”的小精灵要整装待发!Trick or treat,讨糖喽! 你的糖果准备好了吗?

We are super stars


Parents, children and teachers all shined with creative costumes and party atmosphere.


Foreign teachers and parents volunteered to judge the wonderful costumes. We the chose the most creative an interesting costumes. 

万圣游戏大合集 Halloween fun games

      噔噔噔噔~万圣游戏大挑战来了,有胆你就来 !看,好玩到根本停不下来。

Are you ready for a challenge? If you dare just come and play.



We have also prepared small Halloween gifts for children for completing our spooky challenges. 

舌尖上的万圣 Halloween food tasting


Our 5 star chefs have already prepared a Halloween tasting buffet for everyone! 


Everyone is having a great time, some spooky, cute, and exciting experiences. Western and international cultural atmosphere surrounded our school today. The children gained confidence, independence, and cultural understanding. We hope everyone will come join us again for more fun next year.