我们是SMART Kids,我们毕业啦! We are SMART Kids,we all graduated! 时间: 2017-07-17 点击: 4490 |
2017年7月15日,这是一个特殊的日子,因为,我们要从启思顿国际幼儿园毕业啦! Today is a special day, because we’re going to graduate from Kingston Kindergarten Education Centre!
在今天的毕业典礼上,我们亲爱的爸爸妈妈、叔叔阿姨和老师们也一起来见证了这个毕生难忘的重要时刻! 典礼开始,老师们用活灵活现的孔雀舞表演拉开了帷幕。 For the beginning performance is a dancing from our dear teachers.
Devin校长和国际部Sulina校长回顾了我们在幼儿园生活的点点滴滴,并为我们送上了真挚的寄语; Principal Devin and Sulina gave sincere speeches showing their warmest wishes to us.
Garfield妈妈代表毕业生家长感恩幼儿园的学习生活给予我们身心的濡养,感恩在老师、叔叔阿姨们的守护和陪伴下,我们越渐成长为一个健康快乐、富有创意和国际视野的人; And Garfield’s mummy expressed her gratitude with thank you for our teachers and all staff, which have us to make a great progress and being a healthy and happy kid.
作为毕业生的我们,从刚来启思顿国际幼儿园时“玩具扔满地,还要发脾气”,到现在“脸上再也没有泥,手帕、袜子自己洗,还会唱歌、跳舞、画画、讲故事,懂得了许多道理”,我们在不知不觉中进步、成长,变得更加自信开朗、阳光勇敢,我们感恩老师们的用心付出和耐心教导! Speech from Graduates Oscar, Abby and Garfield. They shared their happy school life in the past year.
当我们穿上毕业礼服、昂首挺胸地登上舞台,从Devin校长手中接过毕业证书和奖杯,并且深深地鞠躬时,我们就知道自己已经长大了,我们立志不负厚爱及重望,拿好成绩回报你们! Principal Devin was presenting us the Awards and Certificates and giving his best wishes. 小小一班(PKA):律动(Music and Movement)- The Gummy Bear Song
小小二班(PKB):情景剧(Drama)- 《小蝌蚪找妈妈》 Little Tadpoles Find Mummies
中班(K2A):舞蹈(Hawaiian Drama)- Hello Hawaii 小班(K1A):律动(Music and Movement)- Mr.Sun,Sun,Mr.Golden Sun
舞蹈(Dance) - SARVAR
英语话剧(English Drama) - 《三只小猪》 The three little pigs
书法、毕业诗(Chinese Calligraphy and Graduation Poem) K3A&Kelly(K2A)
歌曲大合唱(Graduates Chorus)- 《感谢》& The Future’s Looking Good to Me
最后,谢谢大家精彩的表演、谢谢大家真挚的掌声、谢谢大家美好的祝福,让我们的幼儿园生活画上一个完美的句点,让欢笑和泪水都记录在这个美丽的盛夏! At last, thank you all the wonderful performances today, thank you all your sincere and warmest wishes. It will be a definitely perfect ending of Kindergarten life. Let the laughter, tears remain in this unforgettable Summer forever.